
My crystal ball shining..

 My crystal ball begins to shine. It shows me a weird vision; one painter has nightmares everyday. In that dream, his painting is saying, “Master, I need a theme music.. or bgm… oh, please..”.

 OK, I can solve it because I’m a composer. 🙂 If there is a painter who needs a music, please email me an offer. I’ll take it as a free offer from friendship.
 My door is always open. Anyway, good night.

9/20 配信開始「ふわり」/ まいみぃ

ノイズに埋もれゆく君の手触り、きっと取り戻すから――。シンセポップ・ロマンス   ふわり / まいみぃ  作詞:弦央昭良  作曲:弦央昭良  編曲:弦央昭良 Release Date:2024/09/20 JASRAC作品コード:305-9357-3 #AOR #...